Friday, September 15, 2023

Coming in October...

Well, I didn't plan on going absolutely radio silent after I put up that review of The Sandlot for the Fourth of July. In fact, like last year, I was going to try to get a couple of video game reviews up between then and now, but the one game I chose, Mario Kart: Double Dash, absolutely kicked my ass when I played it on the harder difficulties. And, unfortunately, you need to win on those difficulties to unlock everything. So, don't when you'll ever see that review.

But, that's not why we're here. October is fast approaching once again, and by this point, you should know what that means. This year, we're going back to the past, both in terms of the history of horror films and my blog. Back in 2020, when I did Hammer-Thon, it gave me the urge to go back and overhaul those reviews I did of the classic Universal horror films during my first year. I actually attempted to do them at the same time as that marathon but it was too much overkill and I had to put it aside for the time being. Then, a couple of years ago, I decided I should just give it's own October Fest and thus, we have this year's marathon: Universal Horror Redux. Now, for those of you thinking this is just going to be stuff you've likely seen before, I just like to say that, for my money, I think I gave those movies their much-deserved due on here, not only with images but also in talking about them more in depth. What's more, there will be reviews of stuff I didn't cover before, though not until much later on, for the most part (although the first will be something new). We're going to start in the Silent Era, spend a good deal of time in the 30's and 40's, briefly dip our toes into the 50's, and then, go through Universal's attempts to update their classic horrors for the 21 century, with mostly mixed results. I've already done both the original Mummy and Invisible Man movies in other October Fests, so you won't see those here... at least, not in their classic iterations (hint, hint, wink, wink). And we're going to end on a film that does have ties to Universal Horror, but not in a way you'd expect.

So, if you're a fan of these classic movies, I hope to see you come October 1st. This is just something I had to get off my chest and I hope you enjoy it.


  1. As of today I got 28 of my 31 movies picked for next month.

  2. 1. I know you have seen the mangler, but have you seen the two sequels? if so, are you going to review them?
    2. You probably have seen scanners, but have you seen any of the sequels? If So, are you going to review them?
    3. Are you ever going to review the blade franchise?
    4. Have you seen the night house 2021? I have seen it and its amazing. Are you going to see it? I would recomend it.

    1. 1. No, but I probably will at some point.
      2. I have seen all them and yes, I will do them some time down the road.
      3. Yes, again at some point.
      4. Never heard of it. I might check it out.
