Sunday, September 15, 2024

Coming in October... We're Getting Franchised

Well, like last year, I'd planned to do at least one other review following The Sandlot 2 on the Fourth of July but, it didn't happen. The reason this time is that I came back from G-Fest in the middle of July a bit under the weather. In fact, I think I had a touch of COVID, as I had a stuffy noise and a clogged throat, as well as a bit of a fever the night before I left, and even after I got over those symptoms, I had little to no energy for the next two weeks. If that was COVID, then I have real sympathy for those who've suffered from major cases of it (not to mention all those who died from it), as that mild one really knocked me on my ass, and I've been vaccinated.

In any case, can you believe that spooky season is nearly upon us again? Where does the time go? Well, like last year's Universal Horror Redux, this is something I've wanted to do for a while. This is October Fest: Franchise Edition, where I go through several well-known horror franchises throughout the course of the month. Specifically, we're going to talk about five franchises, and they're going to be divided into three categories. First (and this is not the order the reviews will be published), two of them will be franchises I've reviewed in the past, specifically during my first years doing this blog, and have had new entries since then, so I'm going to talk about said new installments. Second, is a franchise that also falls into that category but, back when I reviewed its initial entries, I wasn't sophisticated or knew how to add images, so I've updated those initial reviews and also done the movies that have been made since then. And finally, we have two franchises that I've never reviewed before at all. So I hope that gets you as excited as I am. I always look forward to October, as it's when a year's worth of work comes to fruition, and I'm especially psyched for this. As always, I hope you'll join me starting October 1st.

I have such sights to show you.


  1. I am just wondering, what was the review you planned after the sandlot 2?

  2. I was planning on doing a review of Twister, since Twisters came out around that time.

  3. Ever think of reviewing the Sleepaway Camp movies one day?

  4. Is there any hint of what the two franchises that havent been here before will be.

    1. The last line of the post is a hint to one of them, which will also be the first one I publish.

  5. Do you have an idea for octoberfest 2025?

    1. Yes, and for a number of years down the road, too.
